Metastock - Analysis Tools for Traders

How to find the best trades in today's market

Publish date: Wed, 05 Jun 2013, 09:38 PM
Founded in 1982, Equis develops and markets the award-winning MetaStock range of products, which are the premier brand in the charting and technical analysis arena. Equis International is a wholly owned subsidiary of Thomson Reuters.

The MetaStock product suite targeted toward the individual investor includes both real-time and end of day variants of the software along with data subscriptions, add-ons and third party products.

How to find the best trades in today's market

Presented by Kelly Clement

"Where do I begin?" It's a question every trader faces.

There are 1000's of stocks, options, currencies, ETF's, etc. Moreover, there are 100's of trading methodologies and strategies.

How do you find the best trading opportunities today?

Take 9 minutes to watch this HD video presentation. It will show you:

  • How to save hours in research and find best trading opportunities
  • How to scan the market for current opportunities using criteria YOU choose
  • How to research your results and refine your scans
  • How to scan using multiple criteria against multiple instruments

Successful trading

Kelly Clement, Presenter

This video is available in HD. Select this icon in the lower right side of the video window to adjust the resolution.


Get your FREE 30-day trial of MetaStock Software here.



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2013-06-27 09:34


best way could be by reading the company's previous quarter's transcript and then come to a conclusion. I ready free transcripts at

2013-07-04 07:19

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